If it's "supported by everyone", doesn't that make it "modern"?
(Although I am unable to hate this as much as I ought because he at least acknowledges IRC in the alt text)
Nothing about this distinctively pertains to Black Hat Guy rather than Beret Guy, Megan, or the other denizens of Randall's psyche. Indeed, any of these could be substituted without changing the comic at all: Black Hat Guy is doing something wacky, but nobody actually got hurt, and it's For Science. They have lost their differentiation, because a terror of hurting anybody's feelings has become his foremost artistic consideration. This terror is fundamentally to blame for XKCD's asymptotic approach to perfect mediocrity. It's not that Randall has sold out-- he's just getting old.
2652 Self-deprecation can't last forever; at some point you have to actually be good at your job