Today I defer to the swift and righteous indignation of outraged reader clvf:
xkcd is truly in the midst of a low point, what I am willing to argue is the absolute lowest point in the artist's career. While in this comic we are offered freedom from the utterly uncreative coronaposting and the mind-bogglingly unfunny "rules for my 1/x scale world" series, what we have in its place is an atrocity in its own right. Featured in this particular comic is an unholy coupling of terrible xkcd tropes: reusing material (see 2314) and "isn't it amazing that I, Randall, already know about this thing and you have to look it up?" These two tropes synergize in this instance, as we see that the reused material IS the high intellectual concept, person, place, or event that Randy had the honor of introducing us to. So now even if we thought Randall was a hero for enlightening us of the existence of carcinization the first time, now any such value is lost; we've already read the Wikipedia page. At least the "punchline" has changed? Now it's META!!!! Great. My god is this painful.