Friday, January 5, 2018


This actually made me understand these exploits worse. I'd be inclined to think the joke is supposed to be that the blonde stick person is terrible at explaining things, but that would mean Randall isn't striking a courageous blow for feminism, so it seems like he really thinks that quantum ghost trolleys is a concept most people will grasp intuitively.

Stylistically, it appears not to be a one-off thing: every time Randall tries to write people having a conversation it sounds like a Big Bang Theory script. He goes completely off the rails (GET IT? TROLLEY PUN) in the very first line: no human being would begin a conversation this way. We proceed through the quantum ghost trolley lesson (if you think a drawing of the example instead of the stick figure talking about it would be helpful here you are clearly new), and then abruptly shift gears (ANOTHER TROLLEY PUN, I'M ON A ROLL*) so Randall can pat himself on the back for knowing about another, unrelated hardware exploit.

Anyway, it's not important for you to know how these exploits work. Leave understanding and fixing them to the elite geeks (especially strong independent women in STEM), and you just worry about installing updates.

*Secret bonus trolley pun

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