Of all the possible self-driving-car hot takes, Randall had to go with the most creepily omphaloskeptic: "gee, I sure hope some other dickhead doesn't kill me with his car before this technology has a chance to benefit me!"
This is a stupid way to think about anything, but especially self-driving cars. It may come as a surprise to Randall, but car accidents are not in the top-ten causes of death in the US. The CDC reports approximately 2.7 million deaths in the US in 2015, of which car accidents were responsible for some 40,000 (1.5%): fewer even than suicide. That's right! You are statistically more likely to kill yourself on purpose than in a car accident! So what Randall is counting on is that other people's ingenuity will reduce his risk of suffering an already-relatively-improbable event. All of this could have been avoided if he'd put a y-axis on any of these charts.
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