Wednesday, September 26, 2018


Now Monday's citation of an earlier comic makes sense. Today's is an almost perfect copy of 386: same art, same pose, same point, and even the same cadence in the dialogue. Since then, Randall has switched to a laptop, and his desk now has feet-- that's all that has changed.

The intervening years have demonstrated over and over again that he cares very deeply about people being wrong on the internet. He can't help but comment on it. It drives him nuts. Any chance to register his displeasure simply must be taken. Condescendingly explaining that most people are dumb but he knows better is Randall's true hobby-- the way to "nerd snipe" him.

What Randall appears to be doing is reflecting, after a decade, on his failure to heed his own advice. In some ways it is an encouraging sign. Maybe, in his mid-30s, Randall is finally beginning to mellow out. Maybe we will see less of this insufferably supercilious preening in the future. Maybe, right now, Randall is contemplating this one.

lol nah he just can't be bothered to realize that he has now literally posted the same comic twice

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  2652 Self-deprecation can't last forever; at some point you have to actually be good at your job