A reader says:
$70 million in funding and Beto still couldn't get chosen for Smash
But I want to talk about this crap from yesterday:
This may be the epitome of lazy millennial virtue-signaling, at least as it pertains to voting. "Check[ing] in with friends and family [to] make sure they know when and where they're voting" is not even a little bit helpful on Election Day, and it's shockingly idiotic for Randall to suggest that it is. If you don't know when and where you're voting by Election Day, it is because you either failed to register (in which case you in fact cannot vote no matter how much you get hectored by twerps who read XKCD) or failed to make even the most rudimentary effort to learn about the election (in which case we would all appreciate it if you did not vote, thank you very much). What does Randall imagine here? That everyone is just sitting around waiting for his dickhead millennial cousin to call up and remind him to go and vote? If you wanted "to help", you should have done so three to six weeks ago, before the registration deadlines had passed in most states. Or you could have volunteered at a precinct-- you know, those places where people actually go to vote. Oh, sorry, I forgot, that last one might actually require some effort.
I disagree strongly with gatekeeping due to how informed you are. Very arbitrary distinction, and the more people who vote, the better, regardless of education and status. But yeah, pretty weak effort to have a banner THE DAY OF. Put up the banner two months ago and leave it up dude, come on.