Wednesday, October 16, 2019


This is a linkage between two bits of trivia serving no purpose other than to appeal to people who happen to know them. The internet has been tremendously effective in producing pedants with no higher desire than to have their pedantry recognized.

Do you think I enjoy this? Do you think I like having to catalogue this unending parade of banality? Does Randall even enjoy writing them? Do you think he even thinks this is funny-- that he even smiled when the idea came to him?

1 comment:

  1. Garfield can appeal to universal truths about humanity: Mondays are miserable, dieting is hard, dating can be heart-wrenching. Randall, as a science popularizer, must forever go scratching around for factoids to supply his audience with the illusion of knowledge.


  2652 Self-deprecation can't last forever; at some point you have to actually be good at your job