DAE think the word "moist" just sounds gross?
Edit: Thanks for the gold, kind stranger!
Edit 2: Wow, this blew up! If we can hit 100 updoots I'll do an AMA
Yeah but we found a video of that guy laughing at an off-color Dane Cook joke in 2008 so we banned him from GitHub
Contemporary meme culture has done to webcomics what YouTube did to America's Funniest Home Videos*. In order to stand apart, you need something special. This is a mediocre trolley problem meme, made worse by its presentation as an original comic (and of course Randall's brevity allergy).
*Not that either of these is a bad thing
Obviously, the rest of the Greek alphabet is missing. But what's interesting is that the two male-stick vs female-stick encounters portrayed along the bottom both show the male in a position of vulnerability, waiting passively with his weapon at rest for the female to kill him. The males engaging each do not appear to experience any such restrictions.
2652 Self-deprecation can't last forever; at some point you have to actually be good at your job