Thursday, August 20, 2020


Yeah but we found a video of that guy laughing at an off-color Dane Cook joke in 2008 so we banned him from GitHub


Contemporary meme culture has done to webcomics what YouTube did to America's Funniest Home Videos*. In order to stand apart, you need something special. This is a mediocre trolley problem meme, made worse by its presentation as an original comic (and of course Randall's brevity allergy).

*Not that either of these is a bad thing

1 comment:

  1. Virgin web service: Needs a team of full time developers, constantly on guard against compatibility breakage among its own components, basically a bunch of libraries glued together

    Chad 80s Unix until: Written by a physics professor emeritus, can compile 20 years later without changes, a single 10000 line ANSI C file with no includes


  2652 Self-deprecation can't last forever; at some point you have to actually be good at your job