Monday, July 31, 2017



I'm completely at a loss here. It looks like this is just a needlessly long-winded way to joke about there being people who are excited about The Emoji Movie, but then the alt text is a needlessly long-winded apology (in the classical sense) for taking emojis seriously, so I just don't know what to believe anymore.


  1. Those who can communicate, do. Those who cannot, use a small digital image or icon to express an idea, emotion, et cetera.

    I think these icon-thingys are brilliant! Heretofore the great unlettered and innumerate - 95% of Humanity - could barely articulate crude grunts as a means to transmit ideas to each other. The tools with which to afford rudimentary communication are now freely available to them!
    It will be easier to sell them shit!

    1. What does "sterculian" mean, anyway?

    2. I think it's like "Stercule Poirot"

    3. El Barbudo,

      Nyuck nyuck!
      Y'all made me laugh with that. Perhaps I have misjudged you.

  2. :D :D :D :D :D :D D: D: D: D: D: ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ :P :P :P :P

  3. I mean, yeah. Emojis are stupid and I don't use them, but they're just little pictures with faces to convey something. The point of his post is to show that the conversation around the use of emojis is completely unrelated to the discussion of whether the Emoji movie is a good film or not. The strip isn't super funny, that's why this blog exists, but he creates a character who appreciates emojis and wants to push against stigma by giving the emoji movie a chance. However, Randall thinks it's funny that the discussion over human language has nothing to do with how much the emoji movie sucks.

    His alt-text isn't an apology, it's an explanation. He thinks it's funny that the two conversations have nothing to do with one another and are often conflated, and explains that he rejects the dismissal of emojis while dismissing the emoji movie as a film. He isn't apologizing for anything.


  2652 Self-deprecation can't last forever; at some point you have to actually be good at your job