Wednesday, May 29, 2019


Wow, he wrote an entire comic about government conspiracies and skepticism without mentioning-- [alt text] --there it is.

Also it's "UFO", not "Ufo"

Monday, May 27, 2019


DAE we know more about the surface of Mars than our own oceans?

DAE basic failure to pay attention in fourth grade Earth Science?

Friday, May 24, 2019


Can you imagine how terrible it would be if this was the last thing you ever wrote?

Wednesday, May 22, 2019


An astute reader points out that these effects are wildly inconsistent:

Item            Altitude Shift
Mirror     -21.43%
Age             -6.67%
Balloon     -5.05%
Water     -4.72%
Weed     -0.31%
Baseball     5%
Scrabble     16%

But the most interesting thing is that the temperature is expressed in degrees Fahrenheit. Randall  agonized over this question for hours, before finally concluding that since the subtitle of the subtitle uses Denver, Colorado as an example, it would be licit to use degrees Fahrenheit.

Monday, May 20, 2019


It's weird to realize that the World War II genre has now existed twelve times longer than the time period it's based on.

It's weird to realize that the wuxia genre has now existed six times longer than the time period it's based on.

It's weird to realize that the dinosaur genre has now existed five ten-millionths as long as the time period it's based on.

It's weird to realize that the JFK conspiracy theory genre has now existed 1767225600 times longer than the time period it's based on.

*Red Dead Redemption happens in 1910 you imbecile

Friday, May 17, 2019


You might think I’d be a fan of anyone studying ancient Greek. But this is not about ancient Greek, it’s about the Wikipedia article on mystery alphabets*. If Randall spent more time learning about ancient Greek we would all be better off.

*And isn't it kind of tiresome that the formula is always "take non-computer thing and add computers"?

Monday, May 13, 2019


Man that's a lot of dry exposition to set this up. And then there isn't ever really any payoff*, though  this conversation was surely much wackier when Randall had it during a rousing game of Settlers of Catan.

*I must admit my heart was momentarily warmed by the thought of a world where the Allies lost WWII so Randall Munroe had to work in the salt mines his whole life

Friday, May 10, 2019


Here, Megan stands for every woman in STEM who has had her project ruined by a blundering man and then been forced to answer for his mistakes.

Monday, May 6, 2019


Randall only likes women to have opinions if he had them first.

Friday, May 3, 2019


I'm not getting this at all. Is the joke that each of these things is in a box, and opening the box is a puzzle? Why do they start out next to each other, and then look like they're nested at the bottom? Is the outside border of the comic part of the puzzle? What does the battle of Winterfell have to do with any of this?*

*Apart from being an utterly grotesque attempt to be topical, of course. I suppose it only makes sense that escape rooms and Game of Thrones are connected in Randall's mind as increasingly-pernicious diversions for manchildren.

Wednesday, May 1, 2019


WHAT'S the DEAL with office chairs? They're not offices, they're not chairs!

  2652 Self-deprecation can't last forever; at some point you have to actually be good at your job