Friday, July 14, 2017


The irony of pretending to care so much about this is greatly diminished by the overwhelming likelihood that Randall does in fact care very much about this.


  1. I think the real irony is that Randall expects people to read screenshots of the textbook. Why wouldn't they just download a pdf? The whole joke works better if it were a class on digital piracy.

    1. Firstly, nice Star Trek reference in your matronymic.
      Secondly, is it not even remotely possible that perhaps these aforementioned "people", of whom you speak, do not have any non-CIA controlled PDF Reader Software installed on their Internet Access Devices?
      Tertialy, research the meaning of the word "irony" - you have not used it correctly. Refer the text of this post, the Blog Administrator/Author has employed the word correctly.
      Quarternarialy, yins is a cunt.

      "Quarternarialy"? I think I just celated me a neologism! The adverbially form of quarternary.

  2. Replies
    1. Irony is a word seized by stuck up grammar Maoists. They were able to sell people on the idea that irony is more complicated than, say, using who vs. whom, and thus they were the gatekeepers of its use. Really, I think rain on your wedding day (given a loose, human, understanding of irony) is a valid application.

    2. Dearest El Barbudo,

      ".....stuck up....." !!??1?One

      I think it best not to employ phrasal verbs when addressing yours truly. Is your vocabulary so impoverished you must resort to such abominations?
      Why not use, 'haughty' or 'patronizing'? Or better still, 'pretentiously pompous' - that adjectival confection just oozes with alliteration I loves me some alliteration I does.

      Is a 'grammar Maoist' similar to a 'grammar NAZI'? I would think them to be at opposite ends of the political spectrum. Unless, of course, you consider, as do I, the political spectrum to be circular - not linear.

      ".....given a loose, human understanding of......"

      Aye, there's the rub. This is why humans can no longer communicate. Each cunt appends their own 'loose, human understanding' to a given word.
      100 people = 100 definitions.

      Read this.

      PS. "stuck-up" is hyphenated - ya Thalidomide stump sucking moron!

      Dearest Herr Palpitator,

      Good for you.


  2652 Self-deprecation can't last forever; at some point you have to actually be good at your job