Wednesday, July 26, 2017


If you have to spend a quarter of your comic explaining why the joke doesn't work, maybe you should take a couple steps back. Also, does Randall really think people look out the windows during flights in TYOOL 2017?

Props for actually drawing a recognizable geographical location, I guess.


  1. You missed two perfectly good opportunities to employ the preposition 'of' in the first two sentences of your otherwise awesome post. I won't bitch too loudly, as the omission of the word 'of' in these instances is an acceptable colloquial variant of The Queen's.

    Speak for yourself - I ain't no christo-cuntbutler. It might be TYOML 2561 for me. Or it might not.

    The onomatopoeiac non-word "KSSCHHH" is no longer heard in modern passenger airliners. I reckon a trip to Blighty is required if one wanted to wallow in a wistfully waxing way in the bliss of scratchy tintinnabulation in Charing Cross Station.


  2. I think I'm guilty of these kinds of jokes sometimes. Too many pieces of required specialist knowledge and too many layers of logical indirection.


  2652 Self-deprecation can't last forever; at some point you have to actually be good at your job