Thursday, August 12, 2021


These sporadic geology comics always have the distinct air of trying to impress someone. Is this all Randall's clumsy attempt to seduce some earth sciences cutie? 

Has he finally realized that women never use the word "sweet" to describe men they are actually attracted to? 

That his wife only agreed to marry him because she was afraid of dying single, and is being steadily overcome by horror at the realization that now she's stuck? 

That he ended up being this guy after all?


  1. For years I thought I was alone - that I was the only one who couldn't stand xkcd's immense popularity. His drawing skills are dogshit, he isn't funny, and he's clearly got a superiority complex about his intellect. One of those over-educated dummies that have no imagination. Just for starters. I would grind and gnash my teeth everytime some moronic redditor would chirp out "Relevant XKCD" no matter what the topic was and get hundreds of upvotes for linking to these dogshit "comics". Anyway, I didn't know there were more people like me. I...... I've found my tribe at last. Randall: STOP DOING THIS TO US.


  2652 Self-deprecation can't last forever; at some point you have to actually be good at your job